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Control the Process, Lose the Stress

How could having a true manufacturing partner
be better than having an in-house machine shop?

如果你可以得到所有的好处n in-house manufacturing shop, but without the cost, hassle, and management nightmare? With Bowden Manufacturing, you get the capacity, the engineering horsepower, and transparency you need. When you talk to us, it’s like talking to your own shop foreman. Our goal is to give you control over the process but without the burden that comes with having to do it on your own.

What You Need From a Parts Manufacturing Partner


Engineering Horsepower

Make your designs a reality and optimize your desired outcomes for manufacturing.

bowden process

Manufacturing Capacity

Gain the capacity to fulfill your routine orders, with options for emergencies.


Your Priorities Executed

Be equipped to respond to the changing conditions and demands of your customers.

What will it be like to work with bowden?

✔ Transparent communication

Open, two-way discussions around products, processes & costs. Realistic conversations around project plans and timelines to establish clear expectations and a solid path to success.

✔ Regular Internal Status Updates

Consistent, frequent updates without prompting. Samples delivered and process agreed upon prior to production.

✔ Your Own Internal Advocate

You get an internal advocate, called a Customer Champion, to oversee your entire project. Long-term partnerships can deliver consistent results even as the market and products evolve.

Connect with us

As a company we know that when people come to see us, they want to work with us. When they work with us, they want to continue working with us. If you have a project that is open to discussions about a new CNC parts supplier, let us know what it is.

We will pay for your trip to Cleveland so that you can see what a relationship with a fully transparent US manufacturer could be.

Come Visit!

We understand the pressure you’re under to produce on-time and on budget.
We want to be your partner to support this process with you.

partner with Bowden

Get Your Quote & Project Review

Give us your specs, and we’ll create a tailored production plan to bring it to life.

right process with Bowden Manufacturing

We Get to Work, You Stay Informed

Transparent communication during the entire process as we put our manufacturing Team to work for your project.

Deliver on Schedule

Assemble & Deliver to Customers as Promised

让你数控部件,组装和交付-建造as expected and shipped on schedule.

How We Help

bowden experts

Manufacturing Experts

We’re not trying to sell you on using our machines if that’s not the best approach. Helping you make solid manufacturing decisions is our ultimate goal. If your parts should not be produced using a CNC machine we will guide you in the right direction.

communication with bowden manufacturing

Consistent Communicators

Our industry struggles to provide timely feedback and we’ve broken out of that mold. We provide every customer updates on a weekly basis, without prompting, so that there’s no mystery and rarely a reason to call for a status update.

problem solvers at bowden

Problem Solvers

Our team loves a challenge! Solving tough problems drives us to learn new things and expand our capability. Working to solve meaningful issues for our customers is what gets us up in the morning.

customer champion

Customer Champions

Each customer is assigned a Bowden Manufacturing team member to be their in-house customer champion. They advocate for you so you don’t have to.

Your Own In-House Shop

Take The Tour

Bowden Manufacturing Shop Tour

如果你可以得到所有的好处n in-house manufacturing shop, but without the cost, hassle, and management nightmare? With Bowden Manufacturing, you get the capacity, the engineering horsepower, and transparency you need.

When you talk to us, it’s like talking to your own shop foreman. Our goal is to give you control over the process but without the burden that comes with having to do it on your own.

You're in Good Company

We’ve had plenty of experience working with industry leaders.

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A Trusted Partner

You need the engineering horsepower and manufacturing capacity to get your priorities executed, but partnering with a company that takes you down the wrong manufacturing path can cost you time and money. Get the experts you need that will communicate with you all along the way and take your problems seriously to help you solve them.
